My Power

My darkness
Embraced by words
Loved, nurtured, celebrated
My emptiness
Filled by words
Honored, satiated, understood
My need
Expressed by words
Revealed, displayed, connected
My future
Created by words
Chosen, given, shared
My transformation
Surrounded by words
Glowing, growing, accepting
My power

T. L. Cooper is the author of two collections of short stories, several books of poetry, and a novel. Her poems, short stories, articles, and essays have appeared online, in books, and in magazines. She grew up on a farm in Tollesboro, Kentucky. She now lives in Albany, Oregon. When not writing, she enjoys yoga, golf, hiking, creating plant-based recipes, and traveling.

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Latest Release

Grief Brings You Back To Me

Grief doesn’t feel like a gift until one day it does. Grief becomes the link that allows us to hold our memories tight, embrace the lessons learned, and move forward without losing our connection to those who have impacted our lives. Learning to embrace our grief and not fight it softens our pain until one day we find ourselves smiling as we remember a cherished one. Grief finds us all where we’re at and becomes the gift that bridges our path to the future.

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