The Gift of Grief: Poetry

Grief Brings You Back to Me...

Grief doesn’t feel like a gift until one day it does. Grief becomes the link that allows us to hold our memories tight, embrace the lessons learned, and move forward without losing our connection to those who have impacted our lives. Learning to embrace our grief and not fight it softens our pain until one day we find ourselves smiling as we remember a cherished one. Grief finds us all where we’re at and becomes the gift that bridges our path to the future.

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Democracy in Silhouette: Poems

Without Equality... No Freedom

Oh, Democracy, What Say You? Proclamations of freedom and equality echo through hollow speeches ignoring far too many of we, the people. What happens when the people see the manipulation that keeps the powerful in power and those without power powerless? When a democracy becomes cast in silhouette, can it thrive? Can a democracy in silhouette even survive?

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Take a Chance & Other Stories of Starting Over

When Starting Over is the Only Choice...

When past and present converge, the characters in these short stories must reexamine the future they planned. Myriad characters and situations populate these stories pushing the characters to decide whether to risk changing their lives as they face loss, love, and revelations. In these short stories of beginnings and endings, of recognizing moments of before and after, of choosing to stay or leave, of facing a future divergent from expectations, lives a thread of hope in life’s ability to transform.

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Vulnerability in Silhouette: Poems

In the Strength to Be Vulnerable, Love Perseveres...

Vulnerability’s reputation often causes it to be maligned. Vulnerability creates insecurity and destroys confidence. Delve into the human experience of balancing vulnerability and strength while finding one’s place in the world. Explore the strength in vulnerability and the vulnerability in strength through soul-searching poems that travel the full spectrum o f vulnerability from weakness to silhouette.

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Soaring Betrayal

When Betrayal Strikes...
The only choice is to soar above it

Soaring Betrayal details accounts of heart-wrenching betrayal that leaves in its wake broken lives, broken spirits, and futures forever changed. In moments where love goes wrong, hurtful decisions are made, and obsession turns to violence, hope beats in the hearts of men and women who would have good reason to abandon humanity. Inner strength and resolve surface in the harsh realities of deception and loss. The men and women in each of these short stories search for ways to soar above the betrayal that threatens to destroy them.

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Strength in Silhouette: Poems

Finding the Vulnerability to be Strong

We revere strength. We malign strength. We both fear and admire strength. When we reach inside during our weakest moments and find the strength to move forward, we discover the best thing about being human. Our humanity lies in both the strengths and the weaknesses that connect us and separate us. The poems within explore the many facets of strength in the hopes we never allow strength to become merely a silhouette.

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Memory in Silhouette: Poems

Every Moment is a Memory...

Every moment is a memory and every memory is a moment. Memories are moments that build on one another to create the foundation of who we are at any given point in life. Memories - good, bad, and neutral - meld within our minds and hearts housing love, hate, pleasure, fear, anger, and happiness. With each memory we make, we become more compassionate, and therefore more connected to the world around us. Our strengths and weaknesses live in our memories creating the complexity and simplicity that encompasses the full human experience. Come along to discover how moments blossom into growth or become merely a memory in silhouette…

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Reflections in Silhouette: Poems

Reflections on Living...

The journey for the truth of self offers the opportunity for triumph and failure. Often as we search for who we’re meant to be in life, we misplace ourselves for a little while. Even when we’re struggling to reconnect with our misplaced cores, we can’t help but be ourselves. Life is simply a journey to fill in the gaps, to find our truths, to become our best selves. When we embrace the all of who we are, we live richer, fuller lives and avoid being simply reflections in silhouette…

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Love in Silhouette: Poems

Love Connects...

Love. We long for it. We feel the sting of love’s loss. We give love in hopes of receiving love. We withhold love out of fear it won’t be returned. Love connects us. Love disappoints us. Love distinguishes us. Love extinguishes us. Love abandons us. Love creates expectations. Love fulfills lives. Love is always a risk worth exploring even when it fails. Love is poetry… Poetry is love… Love becomes a silhouette.

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All She Ever Wanted

When What You Really Want Surprises...

When Victoria, who is white, meets Daryn, who is African American, she has no idea the effect he and his family will have on her life. As she struggles for the success she’s certain will make her parents proud, Daryn’s family introduces her to a new definition of love, family, acceptance, and success. Victoria and Daryn struggle to keep their friendship intact as they are faced with the prejudices of family, friends, and lovers. The empty place in Victoria’s heart forces her to face all she’s sacrificed in her quest for success including friendship, love, family, and grief.
